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A Condition record stores a patient's diagnosis information. The condition will be included on Claims for this patient.

Create a Condition

To create a new Condition, click 'New Condition' on the Conditions subgrid (on a Patient Contact Form). This will open the New Condition Quick Create Form.

Condition Information

  • Patient - prepopulated as the patient whose profile you’re on when adding this record.
  • Condition Code - select the condition code that matches the patient’s diagnosis.
  • Clinical Status - select the status of the patient’s condition - whether it is Active, Recurrence, Inactive, Remission, or Resolved.
  • Severity - select the severity of this condition in the patient – mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Onset - enter the date this condition began or was diagnosed on.
  • Historical As Of - this field tracks the end date for a condition. It is usually left blank for ASD conditions.

If there is more than one diagnosis tracked on the patient, then ‘Autism Disorder’ is populated as the first diagnosis on the claim, and the other ones follow.